Monday 18 July 2011

Globosocial Adventures: The Journey 2009 - 2011

I am now in North Africa, on the final leg of my journey, entering a world of real life revolutions and desert heat; after having traveled and worked through different countries in South America, the Indian Subcontinent, South East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. I've struggled to post as I've been tied up offline, but updates will be coming your way for Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya as soon as I finally take a break in September. Desperately behind I know, but hope you'll bear with me :)

Meantime, the 100 project mark came and went somewhere during this last leg, with organisations ranging from start-ups to transgovernmental entities addressing a wide range of challenges. All along I've mostly worked behind the scenes, helping design solutions and plan the implementation of programmes, placing a focus on the long term, and doing what I can to inspire teams to aim for outcomes that didn't seem previously possible.

Over the past year or so I've also been invited to give talks at a number of Universities around the world, including Oxford, INSEAD and UEA, and have been meaning to share the slides here but they keep falling out of date faster than I can put them up! Anyway I've finally updated the deck to where I currently am in the journey, so here it is...

Hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment if you can and let me know what you think...
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