Monday 28 September 2009

Globosocial Project Bio

The Globosocial Project is a journey through different countries around the world, working with and understanding social enterprise in different cultures and economies. I'm interested in understanding cultural and economic impacts on the scope and success of social enterprises. My long term goal is to see if it is possible to design better global support systems for small social enterprises, and to improve the connectivity between people working to address similar social issues.

My first leg will be Central and South America, starting in Mexico City on the 12th of October 2009. The overall time-frame is unknown, but is expected to involve about 3 months per region, with 6 regions overall as listed a little further down.

My broad areas of focus will be as follows:
  • Challenges
  • Social innovations
  • Hybrid Business innovations
  • Local (Best) Practices
  • "Health-Check" Toolkits for Social Enterprises (based on
  • Funding mechanisms
  • Governmental Policy and Support
  • Working partnerships
  • Key social entrepreneurial hubs and networks
The basic methodology is simple and for every country visited will involve
  1. Spending a few weeks with 2 or more social enterprises, providing pro-bono generic consulting skills to help them address any organisational or developmental challenge they are facing (see skills profile below)
  2. Connecting with local arms of global SE umbrella organisations (eg. Ashoka) and local Social Enterprise or Third Sector support organisations
  3. Connecting with local Social Entrepreneurs

I am currently looking for
  1. Organisations that might be interested in commissioning comparative outputs
  2. Suggestions for local organisations that might need help in terms of advisory / guidance etc. in the following regions
    • South America
    • Africa
    • India
    • South East Asia
    • China
    • Japan
  3. Potential funding avenues / support with travel and accommodation costs

If you know any organisations that could use strategic help, or you want to be part of the journey, help fund me or simply provide connections, drop me an email at
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